
Finally, LinkedIn Rolls Out The New Groups Experience - But There's Still A LONG Way To Go

So, the new look LinkedIn groups are now rolling out. The first version of this new approach has a much better look and feel, following the design of the LinkedIn home page. As hinted at in the announcements, there are still several shortcomings, but which we are told will change over the coming weeks. Your groups are at this link for the time being:  but groups that you run are at the BOTTOM of the list! You are now encouraged to use hashtags, which will be great if they appear in searches for your tag, but at the moment they do not. Neither is there a search tool in groups. Members can't yet be flagged as needing their posts moderated, which means considerable extra work for group owners. You can't yet send announcements to all members either, and neither can you send auto-responder messages to new joiners or those that you have declined. The most important feature that's needed, where group posts are visible...

How do I share an article to LinkedIn Groups? They seem to have removed the option in the last couple of months...

Correct! They have removed the ability to share articles to groups. It’s a shame because it was a quick and easy way to reach your target market with one click. The only way to do it now is to visit each relevant group individually and paste it in… (yawn). Even then, there is a text limit, so copy in the first paragraph of your article and link to the article. LinkedIn are currently revamping groups, with big changes promised over the coming months. Mind you, they’ve been saying that for the last year, and an update this week said exactly the same thing. They are clearly working on groups, because other functionality within them has also been removed. I think it’s a case of ‘watch this space’… If you want to keep right up to date on all things LinkedIn, you should join our private group ‘ LinkedIn Secrets ’ on Facebook. Click here…

How often should you accept a LinkedIn connection request?

This depends on  why  you are using LinkedIn and what your personal strategy is for the site. There are generally two schools of thought: firstly, only connect with a clearly defined type of person (perhaps in a specific niche), so that you build strong relationships and create a quality network where you can help each other out. Or, connect with almost everyone who approaches you. Clearly you will want to avoid the obvious spammers. The benefits of this approach are firstly that the more people you connect with, the greater likelihood that serendipity will kick in with unexpected valuable relationships building. Secondly, LinkedIn actually rewards you for having a large network, by placing you higher up in search results where you are included. In short, think carefully about what it is you want to achieve on LinkedIn (this of course could change over time), and have a connection strategy that matches that. One last point - get into the habit of thanking people when ...

A new way to say 'thank you' and show your appreciation on LinkedIn...

The new LinkedIn 'Kudos' feature is now being rolled out on mobile devices. In short, it's a quick and easy way to give... yes, kudos, appreciation or thanks to one or more of your LinkedIn connections. It's a bit like the skills endorsements feature, though this one is visual and very public. Here you can see that I publicly gave kudos to my connection Jeremy Squibb You can choose from a selection of ready-made messages and images and it goes on LinkedIn as a status/pos t complete with stats. As usual, don't forget to include relevant hashtags, this time related to the person you are endorsing. Rolling out on iOS initially, and now on Android. Desktop soon. Of course, saying 'thank you' publicly is a great thing to do on LinkedIn anyway, which we could all have done without the feature! But now that they've given us a button to press, we'll be far more likely to do it more often. Looks like there is a maximum number of times you can use ...

LinkedIn now gives you your daily dose of News and Current Affairs

Interesting insight into how LinkedIn is increasingly seeing itself as a News service. This isn't surprising in many ways, because it has a strategy of trying to make itself indispensable to users of the site. Whatever your position in the world of work - whether you are employed or run your own business, they are trying to make sure that everything you'll ever need is available on one site and at the click of a mouse. That's one of the reasons they don't like you posting links in your status updates, because in essence you are encouraging people to leave LinkedIn and go elsewhere. Take a look

LinkedIn kills off Business Cards...

Another new LinkedIn development coming to a mobile device near you... LinkedIn now gives you your own QR code which you can save and share. You can also scan other people's QR code - handy if you've run out of business cards etc.

Have you created your own unique hashtag for use on LinkedIn?

Although the hashtags/communities feature is still being rolled out, you should consider adding your own, unique hashtag to all your posts, articles and updates on LinkedIn (including on Company pages). In some rare cases, other LinkedIn users will be given the option to follow and pin your hashtag - but even if that option is not given to people, users can still find your tag through the search box. Users may well also click on your tag in your posts out of curiosity, and will then see all your other posts that include that tag. Another thing you can/should do, is to tell your connections and clients that you have your own hashtag. Perhaps add a note to your Summary section to search for your hashtags; also add it to your business cards, add it to your email signature, slides at presentations, website, blog etc. i.e. shout it out and encourage people to search/visit it on LinkedIn. Bear in mind that tags such as #Leadership #Sales etc have alread...